
What I Mean...


So this slice of the interest is now about 4 days old/active, and I feel before I launch into a whole host of wonderful stuff I'm creating at present, I want to get down to basics. Before there is anything to strip back, lay out the bare bones of what e.m.i.p really means to me. Because I suppose what it means to me will translate into my work, and thus become an ethos of sorts.
Each moment is precious holds such a wide scope. But it's one of the truest thing to say, because the truth is that each moment you spend, be it awake, or asleep, or with or without a loved one, is precious. Because our lives are short- wonderful blips in the stream of time. We aren't given an eternity to understand the world around us, and as a human community, we are all blessed with different experiences. The time we have is unspeakably precious. Even those moments when you're working overtime, and have been on your feet for 8 hours and are rather grumbly and hungry. Even those moments after you've climbed a tonne of stairs and are out of breath because the whole gym thing never really worked out for you. Each and every moment is important, because it's one of a limited number.
I named this blog "Each Moment is Precious" over "Every Moment is Precious" because each stresses the importance of the individual moment. Away from the collective mindset that blocks together moments into minutes and hours and days and weeks. To me, each moment is precious puts emphasis on relishing each individual moment, and appreciating it for what it is.
And I hope to share some of the most beautiful, humble and ordinary moments I can find on this (newly designed) slice of interweb.

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